Actor Ananya Panday, who recently bought a new apartment in Mumbai, took to Instagram to reveal that celebrity interior designer Gauri Khan, the wife of Shah Rukh Khan, has worked her magic on the interiors.
Ananya shared a series of pictures on her Instagram, expressing gratitude to Gauri Khan for her exceptional work and for precisely capturing the vision Ananya had for her new home.
The interiors showcase Khan’s design magic, featuring pastel hues that create a soothing atmosphere. The living area boasts a custom wallpaper, adding a touch of personalization to the space. Notably, there’s a TV lounge area where Ananya celebrated Dhanteras, adding a festive touch to the stylish abode.
Khan’s expertise is evident in the neat, minimal, and artistic aesthetic of the house. The use of pastels and carefully chosen elements reflects a keen eye for design.
One notable feature is the big open terrace area, characterized by a modern, geometrical roof design. This outdoor space adds an expansive and contemporary dimension to the overall ambiance of the apartment.
It’s worth mentioning the familial connection between Ananya Panday and Gauri Khan. As childhood best friends, Ananya and Suhana Khan share a special bond, further strengthened by the longstanding friendship between their mothers, Bhavana Panday and Gauri Khan.
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The collaboration between Ananya and Gauri has resulted in a home that not only reflects Ananya’s vision but also stands as a testament to Gauri Khan’s exceptional design skills, showcased in her impressive portfolio catering to various celebrities, including Varun Dhawan and Jacqueline Fernandez.